Sunday, September 27, 2009

Come Clean, Obama 26 Sep 2009

What was U S President Barack Obama thinking when he demanded that “Iran…come clean and make a choice…?” He actually had the nerve to threaten people who live outside of his jurisdiction with death if their government employees did not cooperate with him.

The U S government is the only agency whose employees exercised a nuclear bomb option during the prosecution of war. No other agency employees have ever used nuclear bombs in war: not the Russians, not the Chinese, not the British, not the French, or the Indians, or the Pakistanis, or the North Koreans, or even the Israelis. As it turns out, U S government employees deployed two bombs over civilian houses for false reasons.

I’d like to see President Obama come clean about the real reason he is complaining about Iran government employee behaviour. For whom is he really working, and toward what end?

The folks who live in Iran have better things to do with their lives than to obey the edicts of a foreign politician.

I would like to see Iranian government representatives respond by suggesting that U S government employees come clean about their roles in the regime change of 1953 in Iran.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

War is Sin

From by Chris Hedges who makes the case that war is barbaric, perverse, and painful. We Lions are in the work of helping folks, not persecuting them. We try to treat their pain; we don't try to inflict more misery on them.
Click the title to read this.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Destroying Pakistan to Make It Safe

This is by Eric Margolis.  This is important because Lions living in Pakistan are in danger of being hurt or killed by US Government, or influenced, forces in the name of waging war on terror.  This is also important because Lions who are combat troops may be directed by their Government to kill other people, some of whom are Lions.

Click the title to read.

Lion Doc Ellis 124

Monday, May 4, 2009

Pakistan Concerns

I am still concerned about US government efforts to wage war against folks in Pakistan.  Click the title to read "Pakistan has world's attention now" by Eric Margolis. 

Lion Doc Ellis 124