Friday, December 5, 2008



Nobel Peace Prize recipient former U S President Lion Jimmy Carter nominated the International Association of Lions Clubs for a Nobel Peace Prize in 2008 for the efforts of so many Lions to bring about a more peaceful world. The annual Lions International Peace Poster Contest that involves kids in designing posters to promote awareness that peaceful interactions trump hostile encounters has been a staple of Lions for many years.

Lions have resources to help people throughout the world at all levels. We can help folks prevent blindness. We can provide vision improvement. We can help provide educational and health services to people. We can provide food to hungry folks. We can clothe those who have no clothing. We can be there for those who need us.

We can do a lot more if we have the resources that we expend helping victims of war. Waging war diverts resources that could be used to advance the well-being of people instead of advancing their distress.

I am currently concerned about the incursions into Pakistan by US troops. There are Lions in Pakistan. There are Lions in the U S Armed Services. Given that hostile exchanges often result in collateral damage, I can see that a Lion could die as a result of another Lion's actions, with neither Lion knowing about the other. That's not right.

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